Sunday, January 13, 2013

GIRLS Week: Marnie's Mix

Marnie's kind of a control freak, but she's Brian Williams' daughter so she can get away with anything. 

Saturday, January 12, 2013

GIRLS Week: Shoshanna's Mix

I know a real life Shoshanna (claims to be "sometimes a Carrie, but more of a Charlotte") and she said these songs were awesome so there you go.


Friday, January 11, 2013

GIRLS Week: Adam's Mix

This mix is dedicated to the fact that the number of times I have seen him naked outweighs the times I have seen him clothed.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

GIRLS Week: Jessa's Mix

Oh, Jessa. The girl I wish I had the clothes and accent and all around free spirit vibes to be. Anytime I think I'm being remotely cool, I think of you and ultimately become very self conscious of every life choice I have ever had to make. Sigh.

Listen to Jessa's Mix here.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

The Best Week Ever: GIRLS

GIRLS is back on Sunday, and to celebrate, it's The Rebel Rebel's official GIRLS week. To celebrate, enjoy a week of mixtapes, complimentary of yours truly. If you don't watch GIRLS, figure out how because, man, are you missing out on life or what.

I introduce you the first of the series of the short and sweet little mixtapes. It is just a little brief overview, your palate if you will. ENJOY.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Mixtape: Bored in the Deadly Variety

For being horrifyingly bored. Hopefully it lasts less than thirty minutes.