Wednesday, December 12, 2012

DIY: Make a Mix CD Case

I'm too young to have ever seen an actual mix tape, but I'm sure the age of mix tapes was a pretty awesome time to live and I envy all of you who sat on their bedroom floors, waiting for the new Pearl Jam/Nirvana song to come on the radio.

But I'm from the generation of iPods and the closest my technologically advanced self will get me to a mix tape is a mix CD, and so I must take advantage of what I know. Though I have given and received many burned CDs, a DIY CD case seems to be scarce. (Usually you get one of those ugly plastic ones or none at all and the poor CD must fend for itself.)

But, alas, your sleepless nights worrying about your naked mix CDs can be put to an end with this simple tutorial. You're welcome.

What you'll need: one 12x12 piece of paper, a pencil, glue, a ruler, a CD, scissors, and a sharpie and/or markers (for decoration).

Place the CD on the backside of the paper and trace around it using a crayon or pencil. Then, extend a straight line from each side of the circle, forming a box around the CD.

Cut out the corners of the paper and number the flaps 1-4 as seen above.

Fold the paper along the lines.

Cut the corners off flaps 2 and 3 like so.

Fold flap 4 in, followed by 2 and 3, and seal with a dot of glue.

Cut the corners off flap 1 and tuck it in as you would an envelope.

Decorate as pleased.


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